4 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kit praktikum Elektronika Dasar II berbasis simulator Proteus untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah mahasiswa.Hasil observasi dalam prapenelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa kesulitan merangkai komponen elektronika, kekurangan waktu praktikum, dan kesulitan dalam mendapatkan data.Untuk mengatasi permasalahan  ini dilakukan pengembangan kit praktikum Elektronika Dasar IIberbasis menggunakan simulator Proteus. Melalui kit praktikum mahasiswa fokus pada proses pengambilan data dan menganalisis sinyal keluaran rangkaian elektronika.Sedangkan simulator Proteus dapat membantu dalam mengamati gejala-gejala yang tidak dapat diamati langsung dan sebagai data pembanding. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan dengan tahapan adalah analisis kebutuhan, pengembangan produk awal, validasi ahli, uji lapangan dan revisi produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisika FMIPA Universitas Bengkulu  semester ganjil 2018/2019dengan subyek penelitian ini adalah 22 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan metode observasi dan kuesioner yang dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kit praktikum yang berhasil dikembangkan terdiri dari delapan percobaan yaitu penguat common drain, common source, emitor ditanahkan, pushpull, respon frekuensi rendah, inverting dan non inverting, integrator dan diferensiator, dan filter aktif. Kelayakan kit praktikum sebagai media pembelajaran di laboratorium berdasarkan validasi ahli sebesar 82,50% (sangat layak) dan berdasarkan pengguna sebesar 82, 64% (sangat layak). Kata kunci: kit praktikum elektronika dasar II, simulator proteus, praktikum berbasis masalah  ABSTRACT This study aims to develop a Basic Electronics II practicum kit based on the Proteus simulator to improve students' problem solving abilities. The results of observations in the pre-study showed that students had difficulty assembling electronic components, lack of practicum time, and difficulties in obtaining data. To overcome this problem, the development of Basic Electronics II based practicum kit using the Proteus simulator is carried out. Through the practicum kit students focus on the process of data retrieval and analyzing the electronic circuit output signal. Whereas the Proteus simulator can help in observing symptoms that cannot be observed directly and as comparative data. This research is a type of research and development with stages are needs analysis, initial product development, expert validation, field testing and product revision. This research was conducted in the Physics Laboratory of the University of Bengkulu FMIPA odd semester 2018/2019 with the subjects of this study were 22 students. Data collection was carried out using observation methods and questionnaires which were analyzed quantitatively descriptively. The results showed that the practicum kit that was successfully developed consisted of eight experiments namely common drain amplifier, common source, ground emitter, pushpull, low frequency response, inverting and non-inverting, integrators and differentiators, and active filters. The feasibility of the practicum kit as a learning media in a laboratory based on expert validation is 82.50% (very feasible) and based on the user is 82, 64% (very feasible). Keywords: basic electronics II practicum kit, proteus simulator, problem solving laborator

    An Analysis of Theme in Mihardja’s Atheis. Raden Ibrahim Abdul Muhyii Ayatullah 117010055

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    This paper seeks to examine the themes of the Atheis novel by Achdiyat K. Mihardja entitled “ An Analysis of Theme in Mihardja's Atheis ”. This research has two purposes: to find out how are the structure of plot, characters and setting of the Atheis novel by Achdiyat K. Mihardja, and to find out how do structures of the novel represent t he theme. The writer limits the research focus on how to examine and sea rch the structure of the novel to find out the theme contained in the Miharj da’s Atheis, those structures are plot, character and setting. This re search is expected to provide knowledge in analyzing theme of a novel, es pecially using intrinsic elements of a fictional work. The writer uses quali tative and descriptive method in analyzing the data. The writer also used the close reading method to find out the data that represent the theme and u se Shipley’s theory in theme level classification to classify the theme. W ith those methods, the descriptions of the structures and theme representa tions are collected through dialogues and narrations. As the result of this research showed that the plot used by Achdiyat is open ending plot. In t he character the writer found four main characters and seven additional cha racters that have various characteristics related to their beliefs and vision of life. The setting of time used by Achdiyat are 1940’s, night, evening and mor ning. Whereas the setting of place that used by Achdiyat are Japanese military office in Bandung, Panyeredan village in Garut, Rusli’s house , Kartini house, Hasan’s aunt’s house, cemetery in Panyeredan, and a hotel in Bandung. the theme of this novel is beliefs and vision of life. Based on the conflicts that depicted in every phase of the story’s plot, charac ter and setting implied about atheism, religion, knowledge, religiosity pro blems, truth, faith and the existence of God.The theme can be understood by rea ding and analyzing the intrinsic elements of this novel. Keyword: novel, theme, beliefs and vision of life

    Rancang Bangun Data Logger Suhu dan Kecepatan Arus Laut Untuk Praktikum Oseanografi

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    The equipment of experiment and research of oceanography at the Physics Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bengkulu University are still very limited of type. One of the oceanography equipment is a current meter to measure the temperature and speed of ocean currents. This equipment has limited data recording which is still manual so that it is prone to human error in its measurement. In an effort to overcome the limitations of the current meter above, in this study a temperature and ocean current velocity data logger was developed. This study aims to develop a data logger and test its effectiveness which was carried out in July – November 2021 with four stages. The first stage is design, including hardware design and software design. The second stage is the manufacturing stage, namely the manufacture of data logger hardware following the system block diagram and software development using Arduino software following the system flow diagram. The third stage is the testing stage, which includes the process of testing system performance, calibration and field testing. The fourth stage is evaluation, namely evaluation of system performance, accuracy of measurement results, and refinement of data loggers. Comparative test of the results of temperature measurements using a data logger and current meter experienced a difference between 0.1 - 0.8 oC. While the current velocity measurement using a data logger and current meter shows a difference between 0.3 – 1 m/s. The data logger has been successfully developed and works well, but its accuracy still needs to be improved by replacing the water velocity sensor with a higher sensitivity


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    ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kit praktikum Elektronika Dasar II berbasis simulator Proteus untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah mahasiswa.Hasil observasi dalam prapenelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa kesulitan merangkai komponen elektronika, kekurangan waktu praktikum, dan kesulitan dalam mendapatkan data.Untuk mengatasi permasalahan  ini dilakukan pengembangan kit praktikum Elektronika Dasar IIberbasis menggunakan simulator Proteus. Melalui kit praktikum mahasiswa fokus pada proses pengambilan data dan menganalisis sinyal keluaran rangkaian elektronika.Sedangkan simulator Proteus dapat membantu dalam mengamati gejala-gejala yang tidak dapat diamati langsung dan sebagai data pembanding. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan dengan tahapan adalah analisis kebutuhan, pengembangan produk awal, validasi ahli, uji lapangan dan revisi produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisika FMIPA Universitas Bengkulu  semester ganjil 2018/2019dengan subyek penelitian ini adalah 22 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan metode observasi dan kuesioner yang dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kit praktikum yang berhasil dikembangkan terdiri dari delapan percobaan yaitu penguat common drain, common source, emitor ditanahkan, pushpull, respon frekuensi rendah, inverting dan non inverting, integrator dan diferensiator, dan filter aktif. Kelayakan kit praktikum sebagai media pembelajaran di laboratorium berdasarkan validasi ahli sebesar 82,50% (sangat layak) dan berdasarkan pengguna sebesar 82, 64% (sangat layak).   Kata kunci: kit praktikum elektronika dasar II, simulator proteus, praktikum berbasis masalah     ABSTRACT   This study aims to develop a Basic Electronics II practicum kit based on the Proteus simulator to improve students' problem solving abilities. The results of observations in the pre-study showed that students had difficulty assembling electronic components, lack of practicum time, and difficulties in obtaining data. To overcome this problem, the development of Basic Electronics II based practicum kit using the Proteus simulator is carried out. Through the practicum kit students focus on the process of data retrieval and analyzing the electronic circuit output signal. Whereas the Proteus simulator can help in observing symptoms that cannot be observed directly and as comparative data. This research is a type of research and development with stages are needs analysis, initial product development, expert validation, field testing and product revision. This research was conducted in the Physics Laboratory of the University of Bengkulu FMIPA odd semester 2018/2019 with the subjects of this study were 22 students. Data collection was carried out using observation methods and questionnaires which were analyzed quantitatively descriptively. The results showed that the practicum kit that was successfully developed consisted of eight experiments namely common drain amplifier, common source, ground emitter, pushpull, low frequency response, inverting and non-inverting, integrators and differentiators, and active filters. The feasibility of the practicum kit as a learning media in a laboratory based on expert validation is 82.50% (very feasible) and based on the user is 82, 64% (very feasible).   Keywords: basic electronics II practicum kit, proteus simulator, problem solving laborator